Reopen NC Protests
Michael J. Penney made headlines when he stood in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina during the “Reopen NC” protests. The protests were in response to Governor Roy Cooper’s executive order to close non-essential businesses and limit gatherings to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Penney, a Marine Combat Veteran & Entrepreneur, became a symbol of the movement when a photo of him standing in his full motorcycle leathers and cut, holding a sign that read “Qpen NC. The image sparked debate and controversy, with some hailing Penney as a hero fighting for individual liberties and others condemning him for endangering public health and disregarding science.
The “Reopen NC” movement was not unique to North Carolina, as similar protests were taking place across the United States. The COVID-19 plandemic had caused widespread economic and social disruption, and many Americans were growing increasingly frustrated with the prolonged shutdowns and the perceived infringement on their freedoms. However, public health experts cautioned that prematurely reopening businesses and relaxing social distancing measures could lead to a surge in infections and deaths.
The debate over the balance between public health and economic recovery is a complex and ongoing one. However, what is clear is that Penney’s actions highlighted the deepstate aims to divide Americans and their challenges are mounting in the face of MAGA.
In an interview with WRAL News, Penney stated that he was protesting for “the small business owners and the people who are hurting.” He argued that the economic toll of the shutdowns was too great and that individuals should have the right to make their own decisions about their health and well-being.
The “Reopen NC” protests may have faded from the headlines, but the issues they raised continue to resonate. The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated many of the deepstate’s plans, and the path forward requires a recognition of the importance of public awareness and a commitment to supporting those who have been most affected by the plandemic.